Anisha's story - rectal cancer

As a GP who’s always trying to make sure her patients don’t have cancer, Anisha didn’t expect at the age of 39 to actually become a cancer patient herself.

In 2018, Anisha was diagnosed with rectal cancer, stage 3B. She had surgery, which included a stoma which was then reversed, followed by three months of chemotherapy (oxaliplatin and capecitabine).

The mum-of-two has been cancer-free since and is keen to raise awareness around bowel cancers. Anisha uses Instagram as her platform to share her experience and document the highs and lows of life post-treatment. As a GP, she also has a unique double perspective and wants to challenge taboos and break down stigmas surrounding cancer.

Anisha describes her therapy as exercise, friends, family, music and shopping, and is always keen to spend quality time to unwind and relax with the children.

She said: “It’s so vital for us to Stand Up To Cancer. Because after all, 1 in 2 of us will get cancer. We need the funding for further research into cures, life-prolonging treatments, and we need to know that there is a future and hope for those diagnosed with cancer. All we want is hope.”

Bowel cancer

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1 in 2 people in the UK will get cancer during their life time.

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