Chloe's story – brain tumour

In May 2020, mum-of-three Chloe had a seizure at home and fell down the stairs. She was rushed to hospital and doctors discovered a tumour in her brain. She was diagnosed with stage 4 glioblastoma brain tumour.

"I was just absolutely devastated. The tumour was pushing onto my nerves and affected my speech and the muscles in my face. My memory is still really affected."

Chloe's 3 daughters sat in a row.

The news completely shocked her family and turned their sense of normality upside down. Eldest daughter Lola said, "When she told us, we both started crying. It went from being a normal day to everything changing so quickly."

Chloe, a former teaching assistant, had surgery followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

"Since I finished the chemo, I have started to develop lymphoedema. Some days I wake up and I can't walk. I don't think I will ever get properly used to it."

Due to Chloe's treatment, her daughters have had to quickly grow up and help with her care. Lola, Isabelle and Blossom help around the house, as well as supporting their mum with day-to-day tasks like walking and going to the toilet.

Picture of Chloe and her daughter. Background contains palm trees and waterslides.

My main worry is the children. Just me not being there and supporting them when I am really poorly. And how poorly they might see me get.

- Chloe

Chloe’s cancer returned in 2022 and she had further surgery followed by chemotherapy again. Sadly, she passed away in May 2023.

Brain tumours

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